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AED Program Management

SafetyMax AED Service Programs

SafetyMax AED PartnersRx, Medical Oversight & Compliance
An AED is classified as a “medical device” regulated by the FDA and a physician’s prescription is required in order to purchase most AEDs. In addition, each state (and some countries) has a set of different regulations and laws governing the on-going placement and use of AEDs in public places including businesses. In most regions, these requirements state that you need a Medical Director (from a licensed physician) to oversee your AED program and provide consultation on protocols, training, maintenance and local compliance issues.

Your minimum requirements include: Authorization of your AED program from your medical director and complying with local AED regulations. This typically involves keeping the physician’s authorization current, registering your AEDs where they are deployed, documenting your training and demonstrating you have a maintenance program in place.

SafetyMax has partnered with MD Solutions (Raymond Jarris, MD), to provide medical authorization and AED consultation at a very no nonsense price. This service can be purchased separately or bundled with other services (see below). Contact SafetyMax for more information and pricing.

Online Tracking & MaintenanceOn-Line Tracking / Maintenance
Managing the details of your AED program is vital to success. Our Web Based tracking system is designed to monitor the most important components of your program including device details, accessory expiration, and trained responder readiness. As appropriate, the system will send you automated email messages and specialized reports when action is required.

Our certified trainers provide CPR, FA & AED programs on-site in virtually every major market in the United States. We offer the highest standard, single source training solution in the US. Let us manage your program.

    Workplace AED Management Programs include:
  • Implementing national or global AED programs.
  • Monitoring expiration dates of replacement parts and coordinating delivery.
  • Monitoring trained personnel and coordinating training with site contact and local provider as needed.
  • Keeping the program information updated with current information.
  • Providing reports on progress.
  • Keeping AED medical direction requirements updated as required by law.

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